Interested in becoming a Corporate Donor?
Great, we'll tailor a package for any giving level, to include valuable name recognition, employee playing opportunities, and much more. Below are some examples of Corporate Donor Packages. Please contact Sean Richardson at sean@cleptf.org for more information.
Any donor may elect to decline any or all of the benefits associated with donations as described below.
Corporate founder with naming Rights - Platinum Level
Naming Rights to the Entire Flats Platform Tennis Center, with first right of refusal on subsequent Cleveland Platform Tennis Foundation projects
Corporate Signage
Featured recognition on FPTC Corporate Donor Wall & CPTF website
Name included with all press releases
Name to appear side by side with all FPTC logos
Corporate Membership, with discounted membership offer to all employees
Corporate logo on all Youth Mentoring Program materials
Half Day Clinic for 16 players with Paddle Pro, followed by dinner
Corporate - Gold Level
Naming Rights to one of Four Courts
Corporate Signage
Featured recognition on FPTC Corporate Donor Wall & CPTF website
Corporate Membership, with discounted membership offer to all employees
Corporate logo on all Youth Mentoring Program materials
Half Day Clinic for 8 players with Paddle Pro, followed by lunch
corporate - silver level
Featured recognition on FPTC Corporate Donor Wall & CPTF website
Corporate Membership, with discounted membership offer to all employees
Corporate logo on all Youth Mentoring Program materials
Half Day Clinic for 4 players with Paddle Pro, followed by lunch
corporate - bronze level
Recognition on FPTC Corporate Donor Wall & CPTF website
Half Day Clinic for 4 players with Paddle Pro, followed by lunch