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Founding Donors

Thank you to the following donors, who's financial support has made the

Flats Platform Tennis Center a reality.

$25,000 & Above

American Platform Tennis                 Association (APTA)

The Cleveland Foundation

Connor Foundation


Joe* & Alicia Kerrigan

Ronald & Maria Nersesian

Sean* & Lisa Richardson


$10,000 - $24,999

Anonymous (2)

The B. Charles and Jay G. Ames         Foundation

Amy & Stan Brady

Callahan Foundation

CRM Companies, Inc.

John & Amy Dakoske

John & Cindy Ellis

Daniel Fleig

Jared Florian

Nolan & Catherine Gallagher

Robbin* & Rich Garcia

Key Bank

Brent Luce

McDonald Hopkins LLC

John McElhenny

Medical Mutual

Lea & Leland Morris

Warren & Betsi Morris

Mike & Shelly Norehad

O'Brien Family Fund

Joseph* & Ellen Seguin

Vanguard Safety

Michael & Libby Voll


$5,000 - $9,999


David* & Kathy Bebout & Family

Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan &         Arnoff LLP

Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP

Jim DeRoche

Betsy & John Feighan

Drew & Nancy Forhan

Andrew* & Kelly Grannis

Jill Harrington

Kevin Kruszenski

MAI Capital Management, LLC

Rita & Daniel McCabe

Eric & Catherine Meyer

Karen* & Dave Nejedlik

Julian & Kim Norley

Jane & Jon Outcalt

Jon & Robin Outcalt

Ken & Katie Outcalt

Walt & Marilyn Peckinpaugh Jr.

Richard Pogue

John & Heather Schloss

James* & Valerie Tusoch


$2,500 - $4,999

Warren Anderson

Kate & Bob Biggar

Cleveland Cavaliers

Elizabeth & Bruce Cohn

Craig & Suzanne Deering

Envantage, Inc.

Sebastien Glinzler*

The Glubiak Family

Ken & Kim Hanford

Hoby Hanna

Andrew, Annie & Rick Hubbard

Julie & Matt Lehman

Lewis Family Foundation

Rob & Merry McCreary

John & Nancy McMillan

Meaden & Moore

The NRP Group

George & Linda Palko

Albert & Audrey Ratner

Bill & Audry Todia

Greg & Meghan Trombold

Nicole & Rodney Twells

Tom Vickers

Ben & Kylie Volpe

Neil Weinberger

Winston Products, LLC


$1,000 - $2,499

Tom & Joann Adler

Mac & Kelly Biggar

Robert Brandon

Mark Brandt

Mickey & Vicky Brown

Pat & Cindy Brown

Canterbury Golf Club

Rick Chiricosta

Cohen & Company

Adam & Julie Conrad

Lynnette & Lovelle Crenshaw

Julie & Jeff Cristal

Joseph DeGrandis

Paul Dolan

The Doyle Family

Kerri & Jim Dray

Kathryn & Sam Duvall

Char Fowler

The Frothingham Family

Julie & John Gannon

Todd Gardiner

Alan & Nancy Grannis

Gretchen Hess

Andrea & Eric Hill

Brady Hively

Betsy & Dud Humphrey

Chris Karel

Michael Kay

Sandra Kiely

Stewart & Donna Kohl

Manning & John Kundtz

Peter Lauer

Chris & Sue Lencewicz

D. Robert Malcolm

Richard Marcus

Marous Brothers Construction

Scott Mawaka

Medtronic Foundation

Jennifer Merriman

Trent Meyerhoefer

Musca Family

John, Lucine, Daniel & Margaux          Nersesian 

John Osberg

Matt & Tiffany Ottaway

Richard Pace

Bradley Reynolds

Jill & Kevin Richardson

Mark Ross

Rob Rowe

Joseph Sackett, Jr.

Mitch & Macy Stein

Julie & Stephen Tamarkin

Douglas Wang

Susan & William Weir

Weiss Family Foundation

Laura & Neil Weiss

Kent ​Whitley*

Tim & Lynne Winings

$1,000- $2,499

Loren Yadeski

Pete & Allison Yonkers


$500 - $999


Broderick Bebout

Edward Bell

Meghan Brennan

D. Nathan & Cynthia Russell Cope

Laura & Leonard DeFino

David & Frances ​Dickenson II

Deborah Dudley

Ron Farnham

Ron & Carol Gander - NE Ohio               Tennis Foundation

Richard Geiger

Jonathan Hatch

Robby & Lisa Heiser

Katie & Connor Herr

Jacqui Herringshaw & Ned Hyland

Jennifer Ilgauskas

Clarke & Whitney Jones

Kelly Joyce

Fred Kelly

Michael Kennedy

Kleinhenz & Associates

Richard & Patty Knoth

The Last Moving Picture Company

Max & Sara Lom

Lowe Chemical Company

Joe MacDonald

Bassem Mansour

Maria Papich-Forsyth, DDS

Randy & Molly Markey

Mason Structural Steel Inc.

McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman           Foundation

Andrew McCartney

Paul & Laurie McCormack

John McKenna

Richard & Jennifer Milligan

Jamie & Frank O'Brien

Mary Oliver-Lidgey & Kathy Thomas

Brad Pulver

Dania Rinicella

Marian Ruddock

Mike & Molly Schroeder

Andy & Jane Sikorovsky

Greg Skoda

Maggie Spoth*

Neil & Laurie Sterba

Hank* & Cindy Stewart

Chris Sweetland

Jennifer Tum

Bob Valerian

Kristin & Mike Voinovich

Thomas Wagner

Anne & Robert Walton

Jane & Bob Weiss

Kevin Young

John Zimmerman


$250 - $499

Anonymous (4)

William Armington

Kevan Asadorian

Carl Baldassarre Music

Theresa & Mike Bidwell

Chuck & Christy Bittenbender

Gene & Tyler Brandenburg

Jon & Mary Kay Bridge

Robert Buhl

Tiernan Cavanna

Charles A. Drumm & Assoc.

Bill & Gina Cody

Wan Collier

Joseph Compton

Matthew Crawford

Therese Sweeney Drake

Carl Dyczek

Robby Edelstein

Liz & Rob Edgerton

Eileen M. Burkhart & Co. LLC

Marilyn & Mark Eisele

Robin & Brian Eisen

Tom & Chris Favret

Courtney Foster

Andrew Frawley

Scott Fromson

Kyle Geist

Jordan Goldberg

Philip & Marcia Hall

Peter & Carolyn Hardin-Levine 

Mark & Lissy Hill

Harriet Holleran

Brian Horsburgh

Jacque Hoyt

Gary Hribar

Michael Hulseman

Clarke Jones, Jr.

Edward & Carolyn Jones III

Christopher Klampe

Keith Kruithoff

Peter Kuhn

Sonny Kwon

Learning Carton

Lora Levin

Dave Lowe

Donna Luby

Cristin & Andrew Lukcso

Jennine Malone

Charlie Manak & Linda Bayer

Edward Matuszak

Francis McGee

Lynne Megerian

Moda Beach LLC

Matthew Mole

Mark Munday

Chrys & Gordon Newell

Orthopaedic Associates, Inc.

Charles Ostrout

Chris Pinkerton

John Plumpton

Chad Prather

Precision Orthopaedics

Bill Ross

Todd Russell

S & L Rzucidlo

Jackie Sedlak

Louie, Billy & Audrey Seguin

Scott Shelfer

Stephanie Silverman

Lorie Smith

Howard Snelling

Susan Delaney & Associates LLC

Linda & Lucy Taft

Matt Timmons

Kristin & Jeff Ubersax

Bill Valerian

Nancy & Paul Wellener

Bill & Jana Young

Sue Zazon


$249 & Under

Anonymous (23)

Mary & Chris Abood

Mark Abruzzo

Elizabeth Ajadi

Don Andre

$249 & Under

Brian Atlas

Douglas Banbury

Janet Bannerman

Jo Bateman

Vicki & Jim ​Bell

Margie Benham & Jeff Gwinnell

Andrew & Anne Berger

Shaheen Bhanji

Paul Blumberg

Michael & Katharine Bolan

Mary Lou Burns

Daniel Cain

Amy Carlson

Allie Carr

Jeffrey Caufield

Lori Cohen

Martin & Megan Cohen

Julie Criscione

Jason & Maegan Cross

Charles Crowley

Alan & Pamela Davis

Annie DePole

Matt Downing

Bud Doyle

Mark Dubis

Gavin Durham

Alexis Edelman

Matt Eiben

Carl Fazio, Jr.

Richard Fedorovich

Allan & Mary Fentner

Michael Ferry

Julie Fielding

Ernest Fisco

Sandra & Gregory Fletcher

Thomas Freeman

Eric Froimson

Calle Garcia

Macrina Garcia

Rich Garcia

David Gilbert

Ted & Nancy ​Goble

Allan Goldner

Kathy & Josh Goldner

Greg Gortz

Nathan Griffin

Richard & Charlene Griffin

Kenneth & Elizabeth Haffey

Gregory Handrahan

Tim Henning

Peter Hitch

Cindy Hollister

Nicholas Huffer

Linda Hummel

Gaynell Hunter

Peggy Foley Jones

Kristen Joyce

Jeannette Juan

Susan Kajfez

Arthur Kerr

Amin Khadduri

Cathy Carlson-Klemencic

Melinda Koch

Donna Komidar

Wendy ​Kornegay

William Koval

Reed Kovalan

Stanley Krasnow

Thomas LaFramboise

Marian Lauer

Tom Leahy

Tyler Lewis

Barbara Lichstein

Melissa Lindley

Robert Littman

Sarah Malcolm & Eric Clausson

Joyce Marquette

Kelly Martincin

Gwenn Mascioli

Brendan McCarthy

Beth & Brian McCreary

Jen Moeller

Dave Molnar

Mark Momper

Joanne Montagner-Hull

Anna Musson

Isla Musson

Mary Musson

Paul Nachtwey

Izzi Nejedlik

Bradley Nosan

Walter Oden

O'Donnell Consulting and                      Assessment, LLC

Thomas Emmett O'Dougherty, Jr.

John O'Neil

James Palko

Carla Paul-Nagy

Nindy Pike

Jody & Tod Podl

Raz Pounardjian

William Prendergast

William Raybuck

Marjorie Reimer

George Richardson

Lena Richardson

Shawn Riley & Christine Sommer

Jamie Rindsberg

Jeffrey Rindsberg

Amalia Rini

Brian Rini

Will Ripley

Dino Rizza

Karen Ross

Hannah Ruddock

Kelsey Ruddock*

Salvatore Russo

Brent Ryan

John Savani

James Schade

John Schaefer

Nathan Schatt

John & Joan Schenkel

Marci Schwab

Lauren Sedlak

Nancy & William Seelbach

Neil Seguin

Rita Shepard

John Shepherd

Susan Shipley

Bert Smyers

Alex Solove

Emily Spivack

Jim Stief

Loretta & Timothy Storch

Dave & Amy Stover

Tabone-Komorowski Funeral Home

Daniel Tirrell

Dorothy Valerian

Julie Visconsi

Steve Wafalosky

Ann Wagner

Dave Walters

Thomas Warner

Paul Warns

Mr. & Mrs. Lenny & Kathy Weiss

Myra White

Todd Wojtkowski

Dave & Molly Yohann

Adam Zelwin

* Board Member, Cleveland Platform Tennis Foundation


Additional thanks to: The McNulty Family, Ellen Seguin Design, Tom Jorgensen, Kevin Maury, Tim Panzica, Reilly Green Mountain, Today's Lifestyle Construction, Inc., & Whitley and Whitley


This list reflects gifts received through 12/31/2022.  We have made every effort to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this listing.  If an error or omission has occurred, contact us at:, and please accept our sincere apologies.



cleveland platform tennis foundation

1003 British Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44113

Questions? Email us at:


Mailing Address:

12409 Madison Avenue

Lakewood, Ohio 44107

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